It's been a hot minute since we posted any news. For the last couple of months, we've been working quietly behind the scenes with potential authors, and things are shaping up for our 2024-25 publishing programme. Amid all this background work, several literary/media platforms and publications – namely SEA Lit Circle , Tilted Axis Press, Soi Squad, Mekong Review and Singapore Unbound – have invited us to be part of their communities through in-person and virtual events in the coming weeks. All these communities want to foster stronger connections (within and beyond Southeast Asia) that will enable the creation of alternative spaces for change within the region's publishing, arts and media ecosystems.
We are very excited to announce that we will be at several regional publishing and media fairs between 24 June and 22 July 2023 to talk about the press and our first book projects!
Our summer schedule will begin with ....
The Parameters of Our Stories on 24-25 June 2023 at Bangkok Art & Culture Centre [Bangkok]

Organised by Tilted Axis Press and Soi Squad, and sponsored by the British Council, The Parameters of Our Stories is a literary community where writers, translators, publishers, readers, and policy makers exchange thoughts on prevailing issues within the ecosystem of knowledge production. This initiative sets its long-term goal to encourage further collaborations within the region and beyond, and to promote literary works from Southeast Asia as 'world literature', while simultaneously challenging how parameters of such genre are gauged. Prior to the on-site event in Bangkok, literary professionals from other regions shared their experiences and insights at online webinars in April and May.

On 24 June, our publisher, Chye Shu Wen, will be in conversation with Arin Alycia Fong (Ethos Books) and Kristen Vida Alfaro (Tilted Axis Press) to talk about the parameters and possibilities of developmental editing at 5.15-7.00pm ICT at the Bangkok Arts & Culture Centre.
If you're in Bangkok that weekend, do come by for our panel, and other exciting panels featuring literary professionals, such as Tiffany Tsao (translator of Budi Darma’s People from Bloomington) Ng Kah Gay (Ethos Books publisher), and Nguyễn An Lý (translator of Thuận's Chinatown). You can register for the event here.

Next, we'll be participating at the Singapore Independent Media Fair on 1 July 2023 at The Projector x Picturehouse [Singapore]

The half-day fair will feature several independent media outlets, publishing houses (including yours truly) and two forum/author sessions (more details can be found here). Faction Press will be sharing a booth with Klin Studio – the press behind The White Book – so do come by to say hi to us if you're in Singapore and in that part of town then!

Last but not least, we will be at the SEA Lit Circle Writers Festival on 1-30 July 2023, happening across the region, in cyberspace!

This inaugural, virtual festival is organsied by a SEA Lit Circle – a wonderful platform that organises workshops, master classes, writing prompts and retreats, book clubs, and virtual meet-ups for Southeast Asians in the region, and beyond.
The talks at the inaugural SEA Lit Circle Writers Festival are geared toward us Southeast Asians reclaiming our stories and ourselves. There are over 15 writers/publishers that will be participating on all Saturdays of the month of July (1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 July) (see the full schedule and ticket information here).
Faction Press will be participating in the Festival's Mini Expo on 8, 15 and 22 July from 5pm to 6pm SGT. You can stop by the booth to chat with Shu Wen, and she will talk about non-fiction, and the niche Faction Press hopes to fill over the next 2-3 years.

We look forward to meeting regional publishing peers and sharing more about our book projects at these fairs/platforms over the next few weeks. If you're in Singapore and Bangkok this/next month – or anywhere in the world, really – please don't hesitate to drop a note to say hello (, or message us via Instagram and Twitter.